Monday, June 4, 2012

A Wonderful Journey to Malacca~

And again, I'm sorry for the late blog update although I had a week of semester break and now its officially over.. It seems like I've done nothing besides lazying and relaxing around throughout the week! TIME! Y U NO PASS SLOWER! And yeah, on the 1st and 2nd of June, my friends and I went to Malacca for a 2 day 1 night trip..

Let's start the story telling shall we? Ok~ On the 1st of June, I got up around 8am as Derrick told me he will be coming to pick me up at around 8.45am.. got myself ready and I realized the time is already 8.30am! I quickly rushed downstairs and put on my shoes and started the wait~ Wait, wait and wait, and finally he came at around 9.15am.. Well, I won't blame you for being late cuz I agree that my house is kinda hard to find~

After fetching me, we got on our way to fetch York Keen at Shaun's house, then to Kuchai Lama to fetch Pui Fei at a restaurant called 'Telephone Restaurant'~ I wonder why would they use that particular name? maybe they provide telephone services for the outsiders or those who don't own a cell phone? who knows? :P Meanwhile, Wei Yee fetched Jie Lian and Samantha from their house respectively and then got to Murni which is a mamak stall or a small restaurant where we planned to meet up there.. and so we arrived at around 10am.. Started ordering for breakfast, munch munch munch and started our journey to Malacca~

Finally, after 2 hours of driving, we reached Malacca.. and somehow, it took us quite some time to find our hotel as its quite new and no special landmarks nearby..

 This is the place where we rest our heads! :D

And so, we checked in at around 12.30pm, got into our rooms, put down our luggage and then we started our hunt for FOOD! everyone's stomach are yelling for food at that time! So, we went to Jonker Street to start the hunt as Derrick suggested a famous restaurant named 'Jonker 88' which is famous for their curry noodles and also Ice Kacang Cendol! but before that, parking is the problem, as its our first time to drive ourselves there, we gotta find parking and their parking coupon style is totally different as compared to the style in KL.. We have to buy the parking coupons from some shops and the rates are at 40cents per 30minutes and also 60cents per 1 hour. We were like, we gotta buy more tickets and ended up putting the parking tickets in this way. LOL

Each ticket represents 30 minutes of parking

Jonker Street!

 The 'Jonker 88' restaurant. 'People Mountain People Sea' @_@

Our first meal in Malacca. ^~^ yummm~~ (Curry Noodle and Sago Cendol)

After eating, we went for a walk around Jonker Street, and we bought some souvenirs and also some drinks and a little snacks along the way.. Then, Hau Hau called us up and said to come and meet us and bring us to a place to have a drink.. When we're about to reach the place and saw the banner, we were like.. OMG! eat again?! We were so FULL!! but at the end, all of us finished the drink maybe cuz its special and it can't be found in KL? Whats so special about that drink you asked? Its known as the Coconut Milkshake Special with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top~ not bad at all, the price is also reasonable, it just cost us RM 2 which we can hardly find in KL with that price.. 

Coconut Milkshake Special with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top! 

After quite a long day, we decided to head back to the hotel and get ourselves washed up and get some rest and prepare for the night.. We even skipped dinner that day as we're too FULL! So again, we went to Jonker Street as the street is like totally different as compared to afternoon and night.. The later the time, the more the people coming in to the street... and again, I take the chance to get more souvenirs! Keychains are the best choice among other stuff~ LOL 

Then, they wanted to go for Satay Celup as supper and I was too full, so I just stare at them when they're eating and I was wondering, why are they hungrier than me but I ate much lesser than them during the walk just now? haha~ maybe its my problem~ o_O

 Supper of the day: Satay Celup! :)

From left: Meng Yeow, Derrick, Wei Yee

 From left: Jie Lian, Meng Yeow, Derrick

As I do not want to disturb their appetite, I decided to stop taking pictures of them eating, am I a nice friend or what? haha XD

After the meal, its already around 11.30pm, we got back to the hotel and to get some rest~ took a cold water bath, prepared ourselves for bed... but at the end, we turned the TV on and started watching and chatting the night away~ and finally when we looked at the time its already 1.30am! Time do fly when you're enjoying yourselves! So, lights out and eyes closed till the next morning~

The next day, I'M THE EARLIEST TO GET UP! guess what time? 7.30am! I wonder why I can't continue sleeping? poor me~ so I got up, got a cold bath again, man~ the water is really cold in the morning~ brrrrr~~~ its just 8am when I'm done preparing myself and the others were still sleeping themselves away.. And so, I decided to wake Meng Yeow up as I was too bored! the look of his face when I woke him up and he opened his eyes and then continue his sleep again was EPIC! haha xD

So I waited there, playing with my iPhone, as time passes, they woke up accordingly and then the boring-ness had gone~ yay! Then, Derrick messaged to ask to go for breakfast but only 2 out of 4 of us get to go as the coupon only allow 2 people per room to enter the cafe, so Meng Yeow, Wei Yee and I got to the another cafe and to have our breakfast while York Keen just sneak in to the cafe without the coupon! LOL

My breakfast! (Mini Omelet Set with a cup of tea) :P

After breakfast, we got back to our rooms and start packing up our stuff and everyone got into 1 room and started chatting~ until its around 12pm, we got down to lobby and checked ourselves out~ after checking out, we went to Jonker Street, again to have the famous Chicken Rice Ball for lunch! The restaurant is filled with people again as it was once visited by a Malaysian celebrity, Jason Yeoh and he was actually filming a food program, and that's how this restaurant got famous! 

 Restaurant Hoe Kee! 

Chicken Rice Ball for lunch! :P

After eating, we walked back to the parking area and got up the car, and went to the Dataran Pahlawan to buy the famous 'thousand layer cake' at Nadeje.. again, it's full off people.. I wonder why are there so many famous restaurants and shops in Malacca as compared to KL?
I didn't get the chance to take the picture of the cake as we're in a rush in getting on our way back to KL as the time is already 4pm when we're done buying the cake.. some of us ate the cake at the McDonald nearby and some of us brought them home and share it with our family members~ :)

At around 6.30pm, we entered KL area and at around 7pm, I reached home safely~ Thank you Derrick for fetching me! I really enjoyed myself in this trip although it's just a 2 days 1 night trip, but for me, it is the time spent with my friends that counts! Thank you all for being my friends! I will always remember the moment we had fun together~ when will be the next plan? I'm waiting for that day to come! :D

Lastly, the group pictures! 

 Thank you Meng Yeow for being the photographer for this pic!

Finally, 8 of us are in the pic together! ^o^

Friday, April 27, 2012

UC1F1203 - Degree Started~

Sorry for the late blog update! As degree had started, it feels like I have marched a big step forwards in my education life.. Its no more Foundation for me anymore as I'm now officially a Degree-Level student! Well, life just got busy when I entered Degree Level, 4 days of classes in a week which is 2 days more as compared to the Foundation Semester 3's timetable.. 

The only bad thing is that we have at least a 3 hours break in between of our classes everyday except for Wednesdays! We're forced to think how are we going to spend this 4 hours time besides spending it in college.. How I wish my college was as cool as Taylor's College Lakeside Campus! They have nearly everything inside! They even have 'Chatime' in their campus! ENVY!!

As we have 4 days of classes in a week now, our spending had also increased! The main one is the parking fees as we only have to pay around RM20 per month in Foundation and for now, we have to pay RM60 but my monthly allowance still remain the same.. Sad isn't it.. :(

Besides, even the spending on food increased as well, the college food somehow don't match our taste and we prefer to eat outside and so, there's the reason for the increase of our spending in the month of April.. No wonder everyone's complaining that they don't have enough money to use now.. cuz its the end of the month! xD

Now, lets all hope time will pass faster in the month of April and let May come visit us earlier so that we'll get our allowance~ :D no more complaining for being lack of money to use then! An advanced birthday celebration will be held in the beginning of May as well! So, keep saving up the money from now k! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My 19th Birthday Celebration!

Its finally my birthday! Well, this year's celebration was different as compared to my past celebrations as I get to celebrate with my college friends this year! We decided to celebrate at Tao Authentic Asian Cuisine as we had never been there before and Jie Lian's sister said that the food and the environment of the restaurant is not bad and so we gave it a try..

But before the celebration, we still have to go on with our last day of orientation which starts at 2.30pm to 4.30pm! It somehow interrupted the plan as by the time we start going, most of the places had started to jam... After the orientation, we rushed to Tze Haw's place to get ourselves changed for the dinner and we started our journey.. It actually took us 1 hour or so to get there!

When we arrived, its around 6.15pm and we start to gather ourselves but it seems some went to Wong Kok to yum cha while waiting our arrival whereas some of us had barged to the restaurant once they arrived there.. ARE YOU GUYS THAT HUNGRY OR YOU'RE JUST EXCITED? LOL xD

And so, we entered around 6.45pm to enjoy our early bird 10% discount for our dine in charges.. Its not worth it for me to dine at a buffet restaurant now as compared to the old me as I got full when I just had a little food there.. I used to like Japanese food very much and I still do now, but why did I felt full when I only had a few pieces of sushi? But frankly speaking, their choice of food in the restaurant is limited indeed as compared to Tenji 2 which is also another buffet restaurant in Puchong I went not long ago..

We ate until its around 9pm, and the bill came and guess what, it cost us RM980! Well, we have 14 people during the celebration... The 10% service charge had already cost us RM84! I have to agree with the good services provided to us through the whole dining session.. Its worth paying for it~

The picture of the receipt!

When we got out, we took a group picture before planning on where to go next~

After taking this picture, we spent like 30 minutes to discuss and decide on where to go next! Funny moments~ and at last we decided to go yum cha at 17 saloon which a a cafe bar and not literally a saloon! They ordered few glasses or beer whereas some of us and I did not.. We sat there for like 2 hours and played cards while enjoying the songs from the bar, OverTime next door~ Seeing my friends enjoying their time hanging out during my birthday, I felt blessed and happy to have them as friends..

When the time strikes at 11.30pm, we decided to leave as much time will be consumed as we're about to travel for 15km! I sent Angeline home as the LRT had stopped their services after 11pm... By the time I reached her house, its 12.30am~ wow! Then I went back to vista and dropped Tze Haw and Pui Fei.. and I continue my journey home and guess what, I reached home at 12.45am! Just as assumed, my mother and my grandmother decided to not sleep until I reached home! I felt guilty~ :'(

Well, this celebration is a great experience for me to celebrate to the max with my college friends where I will hardly see some of them in the future as they're going for different courses and different intakes.. To each and everyone of you who came for the celebration, I would like to thank you for making my birthday an awesome one in the year 2012!

Tomorrow's the start of my Degree Level 1 studies, I better go prepare!! ^_^

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The End and the Beginning...

Its officially the end of the Foundation Studies for my fellow coursemates and I.. We had started our Orientation for our degree studies yesterday..

We actually left early for the orientation yesterday and went for lunch at McDonalds! After eating, we decided to go for a movie in Mid Valley.. LOL and Meng Yeow decided to park at the Premier Parking Zone and the payments are RM5 for the first 2 hours and RM2 for the subsequent hours!

We watched the movie 'John Carter' which is quite old and there's not many people watching it... The movie is not bad! Enjoyed watching it somehow~ xD

After watching it, its already 4.30pm and we decided to leave...

Well, thats all for now..

I wish I would be grouped together with my coursemates though.. As they said the names would be arranged according to the alphabetical order and my names starts with a J and I'm nearly at the back of the list... how sad~ :( well, if i'm grouped into a different group, i will definitely request for a change no matter what! :D

Saturday, March 17, 2012

First Birthday Celebration in the month of March 2012 !! :D

Its March 16 yesterday and its our dai kar jie, Alicia's birthday!! We went for the celebration at The Geographer Adventure at the IOI Boulevard...

Before the celebration, my friend, Young JenSen suggested to meet up at IOI Mall to walk around and have our dinner before going for the celebration, and guess what? both of us were at IOI at 5pm! It seems like we have to spend our 4 hours in IOI as the celebration will start at 9pm.. We don't wanna come late as the traffic in the Puchong area will be crazy after 5pm!!

Finally at 8.30pm, Sandra and her friend, Catherine arrived.. and so, we went in the lounge and told the waiter we have 7 peoples in total and we were given a table.. The environment there is not bad too except for one of the table near us have smokers and their 2nd hand smoke is always blown to our direction... HATE IT ! but what to do, but later on, those people on the table left.. hooray! xD

So, we just carried on with the celebration by ordering two towers of Tiger Beer which I didn't manage to get a picture of it... Then, we started a card game named, "Heart Attack".. that game was named for a reason as it really gives the player a minor heart attack! The game is played with every player holds a number of cards on their hand and the players will put a card in the middle of the table in a clockwise rotation, with every card to be put on to the table, the player have to shout out the numbers accordingly in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K.. If the number shown on the card is the same as the number said by the play who puts the card, everyone must try their very best to not be the last one to slam their palms on the cards, the last one to slam their palms will have to take all the cards on the table.. At the end, the one with the most number of cards on hand is the loser!!! And the punishment is to finish drinking a cup of beer in one shot!

Every turn, the girls, Sandra, Catherine and Alicia screamed while they slammed their palms!! haha~ I ended up losing 2 times~ T^T but our birthday girl, Alicia lost quite a number of times in the game! haha~~ and some of us got injured on our fingers while playing the game though, JenSen's middle finger got poked and bleed by Sandra's ultimately long nails, I got poked as well but thank god it didn't bleed, but unfortunately, Alicia had the most serious injury where her newly done manicure got cracked while playing.. oh god! Hope it'll recover soon~

Oh ya, there's a live band yesterday night too! One of the singers was the same singer singing at The Library that night! Love her singing!! :D AWESOME!! But this time's band is much better as compared to the one in The Library as they have different languages of songs here including Mandarin, English and Malay...

The live band singing 那些年 ! NICE !!! :D

And so, we continued until around 11.30pm, my family members called me and ask me to go home~ before leaving, I requested for some photo taking but most of it were not really nice and only this were somehow 'nice' but its not everyone there! :(

From Left: Sandra, Catherine, Alicia (birthday girl), and me (don't look like myself in the pic though) LOL xP

Well, thats all for now, I gotta continue with my studies for the exam on Monday! Btw, its an awesome night!! I enjoyed myself very much! and JenSen, thanks again for the present! :D

Saturday, March 10, 2012

UCFF1103 [G1]

These are the peoples which I met in my brand new college life from March 2011.. In 2 more weeks or so, we're going to graduate from our Foundation Studies and move on to Degree Level 1.. Some of us are separating as they wanted to continue their studies in business and they will be moved to the new college campus at The Mines.

Next week is our buffer week and the week after will be our final examination and its the last week of our current semester as well as for our Foundation Studies.

Thinking that I might miss everyone from the group, and suddenly Angeline suggested me to have a group photo taking session with our lecturer for 2 semesters, Miss Pearl~ during the semesters before, many happy and sad things happened and those are the great memories remembered by everyone of us and shall never be forgotten!

Also, thank you Alex Koh for bringing you DSLR camera so that we can have this clear photo as remembrance and also Meng Yeow for bringing the tripod although its still in my car till this very moment! haha~ xD

UCFF1103[G1]!! I'll miss you! :')

Badminton II

After the 1st game of playing badminton with my college-mates, it seems like they're addicted to play again.. So, due to several requests from some of them, I decided to create a badminton playing event again on Thursday with the same venue which is the Datuk Lee Chong Wei Sports Arena, all of us agreed with that as the environment there was awesome!

The plan of the day was to go for breakfast at Steven's Corner OUG, then back to college to submit our assignments and then take off to the sports arena. Little did I know, after I fetched my friends, Angeline and Tze Haw and Angeline was checking through my group's assignment, then I was informed by her that my group left out the table of contents! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ?! The table of content is in between the cover page and the list of table and figure and it is NOT POSSIBLE to be left out! The only thing I can say is that, my group members are careless..

So, I'm forced to rush home and to print out the table of content with 2 passengers in my car.. Sorry for making you guys wait! :( After printing, we then continue the journey to Steven's Corner.. By being late for 1 hour, we thought the others might already be there waiting for us, but it was the opposite, we're the first among everyone to reach there! LOL so we decided to wait while eating...

3 of them which is, Meng Yeow, Wei Han and Jie Lian decided to 'troll' me by saying that they're not joining us for breakfast and the badminton game as Jie Lian and Wei Han got no transport, and Meng Yeow got sudden stomach-acheness!! I FELT SO DUMB AS I ACTUALLY FELL FOR THAT PRANK ! OMG !!

After eating,Angeline, Tze Haw and I decided to leave early to go college and submit the assignments.. After submitting, its already 12.30pm, we're already 30mins late according to plan! Still, I have to send Tze Haw to work at Endah Parade, then when we arrived the sports arena, its already 1pm and the others had started playing, so we bought another court and joined them playing~

After 2 hours which is 3pm, we then decided to go 'yum cha' at the Old Town White Coffee near my house until 4.30pm... After 'yum cha-ing' we decided to leave early as Derrick and his group would like to stay a little longer to complete their PT assignment.. By leaving early, I had become the driver to send them back home and reaching home myself at around 5.30pm! wow ! what a productive day ! LOL~

Till now, my whole body is still aching after the 2 hours of aggressive badminton playing ! haha~ Hope we'll have the chance to go for the game again !! :D